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Five Star Day For Kids

Today had just about everything you could ask for in Hallie-dom. And Travis had a pretty good day, too!

It was fun having time to spend with the kids and have them so obviously appreciative of it. Travis was full of smiles in spite of his waking up early. And Hallie was her usual fun-loving self.

On our walk to the park, I carried Hallie in the backpack. Quickly, I realized it isn’t as easy to heft her as it used to be – that, or I’m quite out of shape. Probably a combination. She seemed to enjoy the ride, though, so I didn’t mind obliging.

Playing on the floor with Travis, I was amazed at how well he can grab things! Already, he’s seeking things out with his hands, grabbing them, and pulling them towards his mouth. It doesn’t happen every time, but he is clearly capable of doing it. That boy is quickly figuring out his world. Its fun to watch.

Hallie truly had a blast with Madison, Frank and Brea tonight. What was really cute was how she took Madison “under her wing,” showing her how to play with toys and things. The Big Sister in her was showing through and it gave us lots of confidence for when Travis gets older.

It was also fun to watch her take to Frank when Frank would read her stories or tease her. She really eats up that kind of attention!

Its nice to have friends with kids so close to us. There’s no excuse for not being social!