in Checking In

Gunslinger Followup

I think I may have solved the Curious Case of the Nighttime Gunshots. At a Memorial Day neighborhood party, a neighbor who’s a golfer sounded convinced it was the owner of Cheviot Hills golf course. He told me the owner is an older gentleman who owns the lone house out there. He thinks the guy picks up his rifle and takes an occasional shot at the rabbits and deer that are on his property.

Since the course is on county property and not in the city limits, he’s probably within his rights to shoot his gun. That doesn’t make me any happer that he’s doing it at 1 AM, though. Maybe I’ll have a friendly, neighbor-to-neighbor chat with him sometime and suggest he consider other, safer ways of passing the time.

Like golf, for instance.

  1. During your neighbor-to-neighbor talk with this “gentleman” I suggest you wear some body armor.

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