in Raleigh

Blood Shot Eyes

For the last couple of nights, some asshat has decided to try a little evening target practice somewhere in the woods behind my house. Thursday night, Friday night, and early this morning we were treated to the sound of six to fifteen rounds fired from what sounds like a rifle. The shots seem to come from the area where the Cheviot Hills golf course meets the train track near our house. My guess is someone’s helping himself to some deer.

While I won’t particularly miss the deer, I do take offense with someone slinging lead near a neighborhood full of kids. It’s also not particularly fun to be roused at 1 AM when the bullets start flying. While I haven’t seen any signs of bullets or damage, it may be only a matter of time.

Raleigh PD has been very helpful in investigating. Friday night, I hopped in my car after seeing an officer racing towards Capital Boulevard. When I got there, I saw four RPD officers leaving the property of the golf course. The cop I talked to this morning told me the golf course is outside the city limits, which might explain why they left empty-handed.

The county thing could also complicate prosecution. While there is a city ordinance against firing a weapon within the city limits, I don’t know if a similar law exists for the county (my guess is no). So its possible the only thing the Wake sheriff’s deputies might bust him with is trespassing. If he can be caught, that is. For the third straight night that has proven to be a challenge.

In the meantime, keep your heads low and tuck your antlers under your hat!

  1. This person is breaking the law. Potentially lots of them. Get you hands on a copy of the NC General Statues and look at Chapter 14. I’m sure you’ll find quite a bit that this person can be charged with. It’s been a long time since I was in school but I remember 14-128, Injuries to Trees, Crops, and Land. I don’t recall if shooting bullets into the aforementioned counts and “Injury” though. Read and get creative. When someone is arrested by the Sheriff ask why he or she is not being charged with X, Y, and Z (though that honor belongs to the District Attorney’s office).

    And in a Post 9/11 world this might count as Terrorism. Don’t laugh too hard, it proabaly does.

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