in Check It Out, Futurist, X-Geek

Tablets and E-readers May Disrupt Your Sleep

Screen time before bedtime disrupts your sleep, a new study says. I love the science of sleep.

People who receive a tablet or e-book reader for the holidays might wind up spending some sleepless nights because of their new gadget.

That’s because the light emitted by a tablet like an iPad can disrupt sleep if the device is used in the hours before bedtime, according to a new Harvard study.

People who read before bed using an iPad or similar "e-reader" device felt less sleepy and took longer to fall asleep than when they read a regular printed book, researchers found.

via Tablets and E-readers May Disrupt Your Sleep.

  1. I read every night, in bed, for about 15, on an original Kindle. My average fall asleep time from the time I turn off the lights and put the Kindle down is less than 5 minutes.

    BTW – your feed is still broken in TT-RSS. but it works fine in Thunderbird, so you get the honor of being the only blog I read in Thunderbird!

    Happy holidays to you and the family!

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