in X-Geek

More Openslug Projects

I’ve added gphoto2 to my Linksys NSLU2 (a.k.a. “the Slug”) running Openslug. I’ve also used gphoto2 to control my Nikon D50 camera. Thus, I have a networked digital camera which I can manipulate from anywhere on the network. The one thing I can’t do is adjust the zoom on my D50 (or pan or tilt for that matter), but nearly everything else can be controlled remotely.

So . . . my idea of building a Linux-powered balloon is one step closer to reality. I’m not about to hang my $600 camera off a balloon that hasn’t been thoroughly tested, of course, but I now have a few key pieces with which I can take aerial photos.

I also added a USB 2.0 hub to the mix, allowing for other periphials to be tacked on. This is where I’ll add my USB GPS for location and altitude info. I am also considering a USB barometer which will provide even more accurate altitude information. I also need something to transmit telemetry: perhaps a packet-radio link hooked to a small amateur-radio HT. I could add a self-contained APRS unit to the payload but I’d really like to have the Slug be able to feed the telemetry.

Eventually I’d like to explore means of making the balloon neutrally-buoyant. That way I could hold an altitude and have more control. That would be good for photographing the landscape or cities.

Perhaps I’ll start a wiki on this and let others contribute. Anyone interested?