in Raleigh

Chevrolet Hills

I was dismayed to learn this morning that Cheviot Hills, the neighborhood golf course, has been sold to car salesmen. The new owners are MLC Automotive of Raleigh and Crossroads Holdings, the companies which control land holdings of the Leith and Crossroads dealerships, respectively. One can assume that the links will soon be paved over and loaded up with shiny new cars.

Isn’t it wonderful? Capital Boulevard has sorely needed a car dealership or two and then this old golf course comes up for sale. Now we have everything!

I think I’d rather let crazy ol’ Parker Edwards take out a few dozen more deer than to have yet another lot full of cars blot the landscape. Besides, isn’t there some kind of law about used car salesmen being too close to neighborhoods? Like they have to register with the state or something?

I hope the new owners have done their homework, as this isn’t the best place to put a dealership. You see, when it rains the way it did a two weeks ago most of this property is underwater. Imagine a fleet of shiny new cars here.


(this post’s title shamelessly stolen from the N&O’s Jack Hagel.)

  1. Maybe they’ll use the same genius who authorized the location of Crabtree Valley Mall….

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