in Weather

Weather station extremes for 2011

I needed to reset my weather station’s stats today which calls for a post noting the highs and lows it recorded.

Highest temperature: 106.9 degrees Fahrenheit the afternoon of 29 July 2011. Lowest temperature: 19.6 degrees Fahrenheit the morning of 23 January 2011.

Highest humidity: 96% on the morning 24 Sept 2011. Lowest humidity: 15% on the afternoon of 29 July 2011 (that’s a serious fire danger, there).

Total recorded rainfall here at MT.Net: 30.93 inches. This is well below RDU’s official tally of 43.70 inches, which is actually .36 inches above normal.

Find a summary of more significant weather events of 2011 from the Raleigh NWS office.