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Checking In Again From Italy

I’m checking in again from the Siena WEB 59 internet cafe in Italy. Life here is still good, for the most part. The weather was initially stunningly sunny but has since turned cloudy and the temperature has cooled off to around 18 degrees C. Also, Travis has developed a rough-sounding cough, so we’ve been giving him some extra TLC.

After a rough night with Travis, Kelly and I decided to take him in to see a doctor yesterday. We drove in a few circles around the university hospital here until we found our way in. Taking David and Kelly’s mom as support, we waited around the emergency room to be seen. A few hours later, we were released with the diagnosis of some sort of viral infection in his upper respiratory system. The tests they could have run would have given us results after we’ve already left the country, so we opted to have him seen at home. Above all, it hasn’t affected his mood any, since he charmed just about everyone he saw in the hospital. The little flirt!

We’ve done a lot of touring, of course, and have a bit more to do. Pictures taken so far total well over a gigabyte, thoroughly swamping the cafe’s internet connection. Thus, don’t expect to see them all until we return.

We’re all learning Italian and having fun doing it. Hallie seems especially good at it, and we’re making plans to have her stay a summer or two when she gets older. Of course, we’ll have to drop her off and pick her up. Darn those excuses to visit Italy.

I haven’t seen a paper or watched TV in ten days. The internet is a 20 minute bus ride away from our farmhouse apartment, which has no phone. I’m blissfully unaware of the outside world, save a visit every other day to JT.Net for word on a new nephew. So far, no word.

I’ve got to head back to the house to help with the kids. I’ll post again when I can. Ciao!

  1. Well, maybe if you checked the wysiblog instead you’d know… 😉


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