in Geezer

Highlights of 2015 – Snowball fight video goes viral

The early months of 2015 were filled with plenty of cold and wet days, with an occasional few snowfalls. Tuesday, February 24th was one of those snow days. Our neighborhood beat officer, the Internet-famous Raleigh Police officer J.D. Boyd, posted in the neighborhood Facebook Page (East CAC), challenging the neighborhood to a snowball fight at nearby Lions Park. Kelly took the kids over to the park to defend the neighborhood honor while I stayed home and worked. Sure wish I had gone, too, because everyone had a great time!

Taunting the neighborhood

Taunting the neighborhood

News and Observer photojournalist Travis Long learned of the snowball fight. He and N&O colleague Jill Knight brought cameras along for the fun. The resulting photos and Jill Knight’s delightful video soon attracted attention from over a million amused citizens from around the world. It was a fun story that lightened up a bleak, cold, seemingly-unending winter.

Hallie and Travis and our neighbor Hannah Frelke were three kids sharing screen time with Officers Boyd and Martucci (who were sledding down the hill on our sleds). The video kept popping up months later. It was fun seeing how far and wide it went.

The video made Officer Boyd a bona fide Internet star and Hallie and Travis enjoyed some fame amongst their friends. In its N&O’s recent end-of-year recap, the paper featured the video again, probably not even knowing that the girl in their screenshot was the same girl also featured in their second most popular story of the year, Hallie’s climate change story. That, my friends, is the topic of its own Highlights post.