in Politics

Trump’s mysterious appeal

One of my conservative friends and former shipmates posted this the other day about Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy:

I’m probably going to lose a friend or two over this, but I’m really liking Trump. People will immediately dismiss him because they are democrats or extreme right wingers, but put parties aside and listen to what he’s saying. If you just say no because you’re not a republican, that’s ignorant. He makes more sense than anyone else running. He has the ties in Asia to work more effectively with China. He has the business knowledge to bring us back to the top. Before you jump up and say he filed bk, that was a smart business move. Many companies and individuals do that. Trump is the only person running that has the cajones to speak honestly and he’s making a lot of sense. I know exactly who in my friends list will think I’m crazy and call me an idiot, but there’s more at stake here than a decent hair cut. My gay friends took a brave stance coming out. My religious friends who post biblical scriptures are brave enough to face the non believers. I’m coming out and saying that I’m behind the Donald. Let the tomatoes fly.

His opinion is shared by surprisingly many of the conservative veterans I know, which is surprising considering many have been cheering him on after his comments regarding John McCain.

On one of the veteran-themed Facebook pages I visit, the moderator permitted a post or two praising Trump for his “commitment to veterans.” I suppose they didn’t seem to care that Trump isn’t a veteran himself and weaseled out of service in Vietnam by obtaining multiple draft deferments, even though he was once classified as a 1A candidate for that service. Trump somehow got a pass from them for insulting the service of John McCain.

I’m not happy about having to defend McCain, as he has shown slimy morals after his service (like leaving his ailing wife once he returned and had become a celebrity, after she had waited years for his return). He was a lousy pilot, too. Make no mistake, though: McCain’s service while in captivity was heroic. As for Trump’s service? Well, it is what it is.

As a Democrat, I was enjoying the curveball that Trump put into the Republican race. Now I’m just tired of the guy, and mystified more than ever how anyone would honestly consider this loser would be a good Commander in Chief.

  1. From what I read, many people are responding to his un-political approach. He’s speaking what many people view as long oppressed uncomfortable truths.

    They may be letting the intensity of that identification eclipse the shortcomings he has.

    One of the jobs POTUS has is to be a diplomat, while I agree that his candid approach is refreshing, I have no faith that he could lead this country in diplomacy.

  2. I think you’re right. They like that he’s not a politician. However, part of the job is playing nice with others and that’s something that Trump just isn’t good at. He might now be gaining points for firing shots at the other GOP candidates but (God forbid) if he gets elected he will have to actually work with Congress. His abrasive approach won’t be an asset then.

  3. When you go to Make America Great Again! | Donald J Trump for President website, you find a donate button, a get involved button, an about section, and a news section. Curiously missing is an issues section that defines his views on various issues that impact our country. When I went to Hilary’s or Bernie’s president websites, their views are front and center, making for easy understanding of their views. It is easy to change your stance when you have no official positions.

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