in Checking In, Green, Travels

People’s Climate March

We attended the People’s Climate March in New York City on Sunday. Over 400,000 people marched two miles through the streets of New York to show their support for action on climate change. It was one of the most fun demonstrations I’ve attended, mainly because there was no stage. I don’t like it when 100 different groups get invited to the stage to pitch their pet causes when I might not be inclined to support them all. This one made no demands other than to show up and march. Easy.

It was quite a thrill to stand in the middle of New York City, feel the growing roar of the crowd as it approached, and then add my full-throated yell, too. There was real power there.

I’ll probably post more on this soon but I’m going through a very busy week with bond stuff and other distractions.

I will say, though, that we were left stranded again by our Honda Odyssey, this time on I-95 south of Fredericksburg. We were cruising along when the transmission shredded itself again, spewing smoke and transmission fluid all over the northbound lane. Within ten minutes, though, a AAA-dispatched tow truck was picking up us and our van. Chris at JKJ Transport really took care of us.

JKJ towed our van back to Raleigh Monday evening. It arrived about three hours after we did. The good news is that the transmission will be replaced for free under warranty, though it will likely fail again within three years if history is any guide. We intend to put a new transmission in and quickly find a new home for our Odyssey. One car shouldn’t have to go through three transmissions.