in Checking In

Friday Fellowship nomination

I learned recently that I have been nominated for a Friday Fellowship, a two year program with the mission (as the website says) “to cultivate a network of courageous leaders who connect across differences in identity and ideas to develop new solutions to the complex challenges facing the peoples and communities of North Carolina.” It is truly an honor to have been nominated for this prestigious leadership program and I hope I make it through the selection process, but there’s no guarantee. As a white guy I don’t offer much in the way of diversity, though I am certainly willing and able to challenge others’ points of view, no matter the background. In other words, I like to argue for arguments’ sake!

Should I make the cut I’ll be attending six four-day seminars over the span of two years, held at various locations around the state. My worldview will be challenged and I will also challenge those of others. I will be a better leader when I come out the other end.

Frankly, it sounds like an absolute blast and I’m really excited about the possibilities. I’m a long way from there, though, and quite a few hoops to jump through and tickets to be punched stand in the way. I’ll keep my MT.Net reader posted as things progress.