in Check It Out, Green, Parks and Rec

Greenway ride to lunch

Today Kelly wanted to take advantage of the beautiful Mother’s Day weather to ride our bikes someplace for lunch. We opted for the Quizno’s sub place on Six Forks Road. Rather than pile our bikes in the van and haul them to the greenway, this time we let our kids ride with us through the neighborhood to the greenway.

It worked like a champ! We got to Quizno’s within 30 minutes and greatly enjoyed the novelty of getting there without a car. We enjoyed a fun lunch on the restaurant deck before moseying over to Borders to browse books. Then it was back home via the greenway. Easy! The kids didn’t even balk at the long, slow climb up Dennis Avenue: the home stretch.

Pictured here is a plot of our return trip, courtesy of Google Maps and our GPS. I love how it tracked all of the doughnuts I rode with Travis while waiting for Kelly and Hallie to join us! You can click through to get to the interactive version.

  1. Very cool!

    Out of curiosity, do you have “lock on road” turned on in your GPS receiver? There are several places in your track where it jumps onto the road briefly before coming back to what it looks like your track should be.

  2. I had it set to “bicycle” as the mode of transportation. As my Garmin doesn’t seem to know about the greenway, I bet you’re right: I bet it tried to paste me onto the nearest road, even with “bike” selected.

    Next time I’ll set it to “walking” and see how it does.

  3. Actually, the lock on road setting should be independent of the selected mode of transportation (as crazy as that seems!). On my Garmin, I know it is under one of the settings (maybe routing or possibly map setup?) and it is independent of the transportation mode setting. Which Garmin do you have?

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