in Politics

Late to the tea party

So, where have these tax protesters been for the past eight years? You know, when Bush went six years without vetoing a single spending bill? When Bush blew a $230 billion budget surplus in his first year and then signed us up for an extra $3,000,000,000,000 of debt? It was fine to spend money on bombs for the past eight years but once Obama got this economy dumped in his lap suddenly it’s his fault.

Sorry, teabaggers: you’re eight years too late.

  1. Maybe it’s because this is an anti-tax rally, and Mr Bush didn’t raise taxes the way the current president has been talking?

    In fact, Mr Bush cut taxes on those paying them.

    If the alternative to Mr Bush had been elected in 2000, and the terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had occurred, would you have expected Al Gore to not respond in some fashion? Based on his time with the prior president in office, it also seems likely that he would have been pro-taxation as his boss was.

    As an aside, budget surpluses based on predictions of capital gains taxes from a bubble economy aren’t real surpluses.

  2. well, Bush was wrong for increasing the deficit and so is Obama. They are late but maybe they reached a tipping point?

    I know a lot of this is politically fueled but I also know that the people rallying aren’t your usual suspects. I applaud them for making a stand but you are right that they should have considered this when President Bush was increasing the deficit to pay for the war and other pet projects like the prescription drug plan for the elderly.

    And, calling them Teabaggers is really childish and very reminiscent of the DailyKOS rant fest. I’ve always felt you were above those types of insults.

    Oh, and how do you feel about Obama naming a fifth person from the RIAA to the DOJ?

  3. Hey, cutting taxes is great. I’m all for it! But you’ve got to cut spending, too. And when it comes to cutting spending, Bush was a miserable failure. That money has to come from somewhere, and so that’s how we get $3 trillion extra in debt.

    The more debt we have, the more our federal dollars go to paying for that debt. With enough debt accumulated you can no longer cut taxes and still service that debt.

    So don’t give me that “he cut taxes” song and dance because it doesn’t wash.

  4. Scootdawg, you should know that I removed the Obama sticker from my car last night. I am disgusted with his position on habeas corpus and warrantless wiretapping, not to mention stacking the DOJ with RIAA sleazebags. Oh, and Biden is right there with him on the RIAA and copyrights.

    I am not defending Obama here so much as pointing out the disparity in the reaction Obama’s spending draws versus the reaction Bush drew (i.e., not a peep).

  5. Note to Warren: Bush was not elected in 2000 … he was SELECTED by Poppy Bush’s buddies on the Supreme Court.

    I’m getting so tired of politicians and the media using 9/11 for power and personal gain … when somebody says, “Bush as kept us safe since 9/11!!!” … I have to scream, “He DIDN’T protect us ON 9/11!!!” … Al Gore would have taken action when given the PDB that said Bin Laden Determined to Strike within U.S.!!!

    As for a few things like … warrentless wiretaping … not renewing the assault weapons ban … Rick Warren at the Inaguration … I think Obama is doing a fantastic job … I wish the media would talk about how Bush did in his first 100 days and compare it with Obama … maybe they do … I don’t watch TV news because it’s so damned conservative!!!

  6. that’s cool, MT.

    I was just curious about what you thought on those hirings. Wasn’t trying to poke the sleeping bear! 🙂

    Here’s my issue with the whole thing. Bush cut taxes and increased deficit spending. Cutting taxes is one thing but you can’t overspend. Obama is planning tax credits and increasing the deficit. Again, no control over spending.

    Who’s right and what’s the difference? Well, it depends on which political side of the aisle you’re on. You’ll trash the other guy and praise yours. You’ll (not you necessarily but people in general) quote details of plans. But, at the end of the day it’s an increased deficit.

    For me, they both suck.

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