in Musings

Citizenship as a privilege

So Johnston County Sheriff Steve Bizzell aired his racist thoughts in Sunday’s N&O story on illegal immigrants, then had to issue an apology. The debate shows that racism is alive and well in the Old North State.

I’ve got this citizenship thing figured out. Since almost everyone calling to deport undocumented immigrants did nothing more to become citizens other than being born here, I propose we make everyone take a citizenship test to be considered a citizen.

Let’s make it mandatory at age 18, like signing up for the draft, and maybe even make it expire like a driver license. If you can’t pass the citizenship test you become undocumented and subject to immediate deportation.

I’ll bet that four out of five forum posters at the N&O and WRAL story sites above would be packing their bags.

(For the record, I took the MSNBC citizenship test and scored a perfect 100%. You kids get off of my country!)

  1. ‘Tis better to think that you live amongst idiots, than to read the online comments on news sites and have it confirmed.

  2. Amen, Wade. So, I followed the link and took the MSNBC citizenship test. I got a 100% but had to guess at one question. Without my history major, I wondered how would I have done?

    Whenever I’m feeling down, I go read the forum comments to WRAL stories. I find comfort in the fact that I have never given in to the urge to post there. Expecting an enlightened exchange of ideas there is like standing on the beach, shouting at the tide to stop coming in. Not going to happen!

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