in Raleigh

WRAL: Motricity to soon implode

WRAL’s LocalTechWire reports that Durham-based Motricity is about to clean house, with possibly 1/3 of its Durham employees to get the ax. The ex-employees are fuming on other blog sites, though the ex-Mo friends I know could long ago see the writing on the wall.

I spoke with one friend soon after he started there. I asked if he was liking working at such an up-and-coming company. He laughed told me he was bored silly. He said Motricity was essentially a solution looking for a problem. It had no business plan and no real leadership but existed to suck up money and other startups. Looks like my friend was correct.

I’m glad that most of my buddies have already found the exits there and hope that those still remaining will come to their senses and look for better opportunities. Good luck, y’all!