in Check It Out

Keirsey Personality Test

I was clicking through the Internet – you know, looking for the end – when I came across a link to the Jung/Myers-Briggs/Keirsey personality test. It had been about ten years since I last took the test, so I figured what the heck, I’ll take the test again to see what I’ll score.

This time, my answers peg me as an ENFJ, or a Teacher in the Keirsey parlance. I think a longer test would provide a more accurate assessment, but the breakdown for me was Extroverted 11%, Intuitive 50%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 11%. In other words, I’m pretty balanced with the exception of intuitiveness.

The Teacher personality, according to Keirsey, are only 2-3% of the population. According to the chart, a few world leaders like Reagan, Lincoln, Mitterand and Gorbachev were or are Teachers. On the other hand, so are a dozen loser actors and celebrities. Ben Affleck? Does anyone really want to be in any grouping that contains Ben Affleck? Come to think of it, Reagan didn’t exactly ignite the silver screen as an actor, either.

I do enjoy teaching, though. The training and presentations I conduct for work (and play) are fun and stimulating. I love teaching people things. this blog is itself a classroom and you my students, in a way. There are other traits in this Teacher grouping which don’t especially fit me, like the planning aspects, but there’s only so much you can trust a 72-question personality test. I suppose my middle-of-the-road status in those three categories make me more of a mix.

If y’all take the test, too, I’d love to hear your results. Leave a comment!

  1. INTP (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving)

    Introverted: 33%
    Intuitive: 50%
    Thinking: 25%
    Perceiving: 44%

    moderately expressed introvert
    moderately expressed intuitive personality
    moderately expressed thinking personality
    moderately expressed perceiving personality

    Albert Einstein as the iconic Rational is an Architect
    Thomas Jefferson and Robert Rosen are examples of the Architect Rationals

  2. I came out INTJ… I think that I always come out INT x whenever I take the test.

    # slightly expressed introvert
    # slightly expressed intuitive personality
    # slightly expressed thinking personality
    # moderately expressed judging personality

    It sort of depends on my situation at the time. One thing that is interesting about the current situation is how happy I am not being a mastermind. The best computer programming job I have ever had. The career indicator lists Computer Programmer as the first choice… 🙂

    Hmmm, I would have picked lazy lake watcher; but, maybe psychologists are so anal that they never think of that possibility.

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