Whad’ya Do That For, Mister?!

I was waiting for my coworker, Chet, to meet me in the hotel lobby so we could grab dinner at the neighboring restaurant. He arrived just as the elevator door opened to reveal a large family: parents about my age and four kids, maybe 10 years old and younger.

“Are you going down?” I asked.

“Yes, we are,” the mother replied, somewhat reluctantly.

“Good,” I answered cheerfully, “so are we.” Chet and I stepped into the elevator.
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Cheap Thoughts: Acoustics

I have good hearing. I guess I come by it naturally, since my mom (at least) has good hearing, too. One of the reasons I never snuck out of the house as a kid like my brothers (and sister, so far as I know) did was knowledge of my mom’s hawk-like hearing. Then again, my hearing could also be a product of my former employment, once as a recording engineer and again as a code-copier in the Navy.

Yesterday, I commented to my office mate how the air conditioning sounded like one of those annoying cars with a thumping bass amplifier. I could hear the blower units above my head resonating, producing a deep bass beat frequency. “Wow, you must have sensitive ears,” he commented. Apparently he didn’t hear it as well as I (and I wished I didn’t!)
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