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Lulu Reflections

I was hoping that today’s lunch meeting with my former company’s COO, (call him Bart) would help me clear the air about the situation I had been working in for the past couple of months. Instead I got shown the door without ever getting a chance to explain my views.

I had set up the meeting after a very frustrating Friday trying to get a server put back together. For the past few weeks, I was being ignored by my manager, Daniel. Yep, ignored. No acknowlegement that I was even there. Meanwhile, I was given stupid tasks like designing new cubicle layouts and setting up conference rooms.

I thought at the time it was simply because I could get things done. In fact, rather than gripe about it, I actually took it as a compliment; that I was trusted to do new things. How naive.

So rather than allowing me to state my peace, the door was slammed in my face. I just think that’s wrong.

In the next few days I will write a few pages about Lulu (which I may or may not share with you) and then I will put this experiment out of my mind. As Kelly said today “it’s their loss.”

And she’s right. They will never find someone who can do all the things that I did for them, with as good an attitude as I have. They won’t.

They will miss me because I am moving on.